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"A time to be silent and a time to speak."

Taken from Ecclesiastes 3:7b, these words resonate in my heart more than ever now!

I am the person that feels everything that goes on around them and wants to help as much as I can. Being a massage therapist has honed that skill for me. I realize it is God's love inside of me that makes me feel for people so deeply that I am moved to want to help out as much as I can.

The way this world is going, and everything it's going through, God is the only way we can make it.

I continue to realize that it's ok to take a break from everything. Social media, the news and life can have us going crazy! My mental and spiritual health drives me to not be overwhelmed by the things going on around me. I was moved to write just a short summary of what is helping me get through this life. I constantly pray and meditate on the scriptures. I feel at peace because I know God is the one watching over and protecting me because I took the time to get to know Him more. This is part of my self care regimen and has helped me tremendously! I know it can help you too! So now what? Get started! There is no time like the present for a better you!

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