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I am not your typical massage therapist...

I am unique in what I do. I find the beauty in everything. There is beauty in muscles and the way they function and move. There is also beauty in the human mind and the things we can create with it.

I am not your typical massage therapist because I incorporate not only massage and stretching, but also exercise and mental health into the equation of self care. Renewing the mind and body...after without the other doesn't work.

I bring light to the darkness. I have been through so much in the short period of time living on this earth, I like to focus on positive things. Clinical massage chose is my calling in this life. Because of the gift I have been given I am able to help so many people. I don't take my calling lightly! This is why I bring the beauty of clinical massage to you. I am obligated to help those who need and want my help.

Not only can you find relaxation in massage but there is also a way to heal the body through the use of it. TOS (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome), Plantar Fasciitis, Tendinitis, Frozen Shoulder, Tension Headaches, Migraines, Hyperlordosis (excessive spine curvature in the lower back/"anterior pelvic tilt"), Hyperkyphosis (excessive curvature of the thoracic spine/"hunchback")...all of these can be helped with clinical massage techniques.

There is joy in finding the muscles that ail you and finding ways to "fix" it. It is like solving a puzzle. I love taking things apart and putting them back together. I love working with my hands, creating new and molding something fantastic from something that might have been broken.

So now what? Get started! Incorporate every facet in your life that can push you to your best self. If that means exercise, changing your diet, getting massages more, adjustments at the chiropractor, seeing that therapist to talk things out...GO FOR IT! Start now! There is no time like the present for a better you!

For more information or to book with us

call (872) 228-1558

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the know about upcoming events or specials.

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