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Beaune' Luxe Massage...We are the Corporate Cure!

If you are here, that means you are curious about the "Corporate Cure". Well, a lot of folks are, as they should be!

Who is Beaune' Luxe Massage?

We are a Chicago based company specializing in on-site chair massages from large corporations such as Uber & SC Johnson all the way to smaller boutiques. No matter how many employees you have in your company, Beaune' Luxe Massage can help everyone!

What is the "Corporate Cure"?

Now, what exactly is "The Corporate Cure"? We proudly proclaim that all of our licensed massage therapists can ease tension out of stressed muscles, create an environment of relaxation, and fill a room with ease. We are some of the most relatable, easy-going people you could ever meet! I am always told I am one of the sweetest, loving and most inviting people and how my laugh is contagious. That is because I absolutely LOVE what I do and so do the other therapists I work with. We want everyone to feel the same way we feel...happy. In later blogs I will explain why and how I became a massage therapist and how it saved me.

I work my hardest to make everyone feel welcome and safe when they get a massage. Whether that massage is from me or one of the massage therapists I partner with, we all provide the same energy. We also like to stress to clients that taking care of yourself should be of the utmost importance. Life is too short to not be happy at least 99% of the time! Self-care is how we all maintain through the chaos. "I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival."-Audre Lorde

We are the "Corporate Cure" because we provide that time away from "reality" and put you in the headspace of peace and tranquility. If you do not have peace, you can not function properly throughout this life. We want the best for each and every one of our partners and their employees. Massage is a way to a healthier, happier life. Why not grab a piece of it while you can?

"Anything that costs you your peace is too expensive."-thinkgrowprosper

We totally agree!


Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the know about upcoming events or specials.

For more information or to book with us

email: info@beauneluxemassage or call (872) 228-1558

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